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2024 Upcoming In-Person Special Population Camps!
Upcoming Locations:
Maple Valley
Engage Thru Tech is excited to announce that ALL of our summer camps are able to be paid for with respite funds! And NEW IN JANUARY, all of our technology and STEAM camps can be paid for with scholarship funds, for those who qualify for DDA services but do not receive respite!
Not only that, but upon request we can provide a hybrid option for camps, for those who prefer to attend Live Online!
In our Live Online class, participants log onto our computers to use our software to complete their projects! Since these computers they are utilizing (remotely) are in front of us at our offices, we are able to provide step-by-step instruction and assistance for any ability level! All Live Online participants can register for our camps on this website (see links below).
Our in-person camps and classes follow CDC guidelines for hygiene and safety.
All camp participants paying with respite funds can use the link below to register. If you are DDA eligible but don't receive respite, then click on the Scholarship Funds link to register. If you are not sure, or you think you need to be paying with cash, please contact us to clarify.
Also please note that some registration links require a Google account. Click the Questions button to arrange an alternate method if you do not have such an account.
2024 In-Person
Special Populations Camps!
(Ages 8 to Adult)
🚀Game Development + Coding Camp
Location: Kent
When: February 20-24, 2024
Tuesday through Saturday
9:30am to 1:30pm <Flyer>
🎥 Moviemaking Camp
Location: Online
When: April 1 - 5
Monday through Friday
9:30am to 1:30pm <Flyer>
🎥 Moviemaking Camp
Location: Enumclaw
When: April 15 - 19
Monday through Friday
9:30am to 1:30pm <Flyer>​

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