Custom Event Options for Ambassadors
Engage Thru Tech offers workshops for Girl Scouts to complete journeys and earn badges.
We will work with troop leaders to create the best workshop to achieve your troop goals. If your troop has multiple age levels, no problem. We can create workshops that combine age levels.
Listed here are workshop descriptions. Click the Workshop Information Form button to provide your troop details (number of girls, location, etc.). We will contact you to schedule your workshop.
Do you have one or two girls or a small troop that need a workshop? Go to our Open Workshops page to join in on already scheduled options.
NEW Multi-Media Journeys: “Think Like a Programmer”
Learn basic coding to make an educational video game that shares your passions! Take action by sharing your game with family and friends the final hour of the workshop, and earn your Think Like a Programmer Journey! This beginner coding workshop requires no prior experience or expertise!
Multi-Media Journeys: “Your Voice Your World”
Engage Thru Tech helps you add an impressive video “flair” to your journey to advocate for your passion to the world! Learn cool advanced video production techniques, and either synthesize it with a presentation software, or create a “stand alone” video presentation itself! Individualism is the hallmark of this customized workshop! This workshop is being offered as a “custom” option, to help accommodate your busy schedule. We walk you through (by email and phone) the “discover” and “connect” parts of the journey, then help you locate one of our open workshops at a location and time convenient to you in order for you to join to make your “take action” video at.
Multi-Media Badges: “Photography” badge
Learn from a photographer how to take awesome photos, and how to get the most of your camera! Dabble in blogging web design to showcase your photos, and/or create a platform for an issue you feel passionate about (and get a jump start on your Gold Award?)